If you are hit by another driver and that driver is uninsured or lacks sufficient insurance to meet the damages caused by your injuries, you should have the protection of your own insurance policy. It’s incredibly important to carry your own automobile insurance. In a hit-and-run accident, there are further requirements to preserve the claim with your own insurance company. Make sure to take pictures and only speak with the police or an attorney regarding your accident. It’s best to consult with an attorney as soon as possible to avoid running up against any statute that has procedures that can prevent you from making a claim regarding your accident.
Wisconsin law dictates that it is possible to make a claim for hit-and-run accidents even if there’s no contact between the vehicles. These accidents, referred to as miss and run accidents, involve a phantom vehicle that is unidentified and has left the scene. For example, a vehicle might be driving erratically, causing you to crash into something else, such as a median or a tree, to avoid a worse collision. In this case, there must be some independent evidence that the hit-and-run did occur. Someone other than the claimant must be a witness to the crash, such as a pedestrian, another motorist, or video from a traffic cam or nearby business. Be sure to get their contact information as soon as possible as it’s likely to be relevant to your claim. Miss and run accidents causing injury must be reported to the police within 72 hours.